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Visual Arts

Visual Arts at Falcon Bluffs Middle School

These courses are part of the Falcon Bluffs Middle School electives program.

Visual Arts Level 1

Visual Arts Level 1 provides students the foundational knowledge and opportunity to explore an array of media and create individual works of art. Students will focus on a variety of art concepts and learn the language of visual arts. This course will also provide an exploration of career opportunities in the art world and include the study of significant artists, movements, and styles.

Visual Arts Level 2 

In this course, students will continue to work with an array of media to create individual works of art, as well as continue to explore career opportunities in the art world. The students at Visual Arts Level 2 are advanced from Visual Arts Level 1 and have become more adept in their artistic skills.

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Visual Arts in Jeffco

Visual arts programs are an integral part of the core curriculum offered at every Jeffco school. 

Jeffco Public Schools provides high-quality instruction, emphasizing a balance of studio art creation, critique and analysis and history. Students receive a curriculum based on the Colorado Academic Standards in drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, digital media, sculpture and ceramics.