Social Studies
Social Studies at Falcon Bluffs Middle School
Social Studies takes our students through the history of the World with an emphasis on what helped shape early civilizations and how that affects us today. A deeper understanding is built as our 8th graders focus on early US history from the Revolution to Industrialization.
World Area Studies - Sixth Grade
Western Hemisphere
Western Hemisphere examines the history, politics, economics, and geography of countries in North, Central and South America.
Students will examine regions of the Western Hemisphere to learn about major topics which include: Legacies of Early Civilizations, Development of Societies, Economic Successes, Exploring Geo Connections and Civic Issues, and Modern Impact and Applications.
- Modern Impact and Applications ~ How do historical factors, civic relationships, and economic patterns impact modern global society?
- Exploring Geographic Connections and Civic Issues ~ How do we form our opinions about issues and participate in a global society?
- Economic Successes ~ How do different economic systems affect societies?
- Development of Societies ~ How do government policies and citizen actions affect one another?
- Legacies of Early Civilizations ~ What can we learn from the past to understand the present?
World Area Studies - Seventh Grade
Eastern Hemisphere
The World Area Studies: Eastern Hemisphere course examines the history, politics, economics, and culture of regions within the Eastern Hemisphere. This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the history of early civilizations and then shifts to the comparison of contemporary governments, economic networks and issues affecting the regions.
Early U.S. History - Eighth Grade
Early U.S. History is an interdisciplinary course that examines the history of the United States from the nation-building following the American Revolution to the era of Reconstruction, industrialization, and immigration. The course includes a historical overview of the geographic, political, economic, and social developments of the United States.
The United States from 1789 to the early 20th century was an amazing period in our nation's history. We were just beginning to experiment with ideas such as democracy as well as making journeys into the very heart of North America, where wolves and grizzlies vastly outnumbered people.
Our new nation then faced monumental challenges and was torn apart, only to be carefully reconstructed with the help of savvy presidents, blooming industrialization, and the sweat and tears of newly arrived immigrants from every corner of the globe.
Social Studies in Jeffco
Jeffco social studies curricula are based on Colorado Academic Standards, developed by the Colorado Department of Education.