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Mathematics at Falcon Bluffs Middle School

Building mathematicians and championing math professionals to empower all to think mathematically in an ever-changing world.

Falcon Bluffs Middle School's core instructional math resource is Illustrative Mathematics which incorporates ideas and strategies from Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics. 

All daily work will be completed in student workbooks, with required page numbers being posted in Google Classroom.

Math - Sixth Grade

This course follows Jeffco Math 6 Bridge to Curriculum.  Mathematical reasoning, modeling, problem-solving and communication are developed throughout the following units of study:

  • Reasoning with Whole Numbers
  • Area and Surface Area
  • Introducing Ratios
  • Unit Rates and Percentages
  • Dividing Fractions
  • Expressions and Equations
  • Rational Numbers
  • Data Sets and Distributions
  • 2D/3D Geometry
  • Math Practices: Reasoning and Communication.

Accelerated Math - Sixth Grade

This course follows Bridge to Curriculum Accelerated Math 6 which covers all sixth grade math state standards and half of seventh grade math state standards. Curriculum and units of study: 

  • Areas
  • Ratios, rates, and percentages
  • Fractions and decimals
  • Equations and expressions
  • Proportional relationships
  • Percentage increase and decrease
  • Rational numbers
  • Data sets and distributions


Math - Seventh Grade

This course follows Math 7 Jeffco Bridge to Curriculum. Mathematical reasoning, modeling, problem-solving and communication are developed throughout the following units of study:

  • Scale Drawings
  • Introducing Proportional Relationships
  • Measuring Circles
  • Proportional Relationships and Percentages
  • Rational Number Arithmetic
  • Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
  • Angles, Triangles, and Prims
  • Modeling with Expressions
  • 2D/3D Geometry
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Math Practices
  • Problem Solving.

Seventh Grade Agenda 2024-25

Accelerated Math - Seventh Grade

This course follows Math 7 Jeffco Bridge to Curriculum. Mathematical reasoning, modeling, problem-solving and communication are developed throughout the following units of study: Reasoning with Rational Number Operations; Modeling with Expressions, Equations and Inequalities; Modeling Proportional Relationships; 2D/3D Geometry; Probability and Statistics; Math Practices; problem-solving.

Math - Eight Grade

This course follows Math 8 Jeffco Bridge to Curriculum. Mathematical reasoning, modeling, problem-solving and communication are developed throughout the following units of study:

  • Rigid transformations and congruence
  • Dilations and similarity and introduction of slope
  • Linear relationships
  • Linear equations and linear systems
  • Functions and volume
  • Associations in data
  • Exponents and scientific notation
  • Pythagorean Theorem and irrational numbers

Eighth Grade Weekly Agenda

Pre-AP Algebra 1

The Pre-AP Algebra 1 course is designed to deepen students’ understanding of linear relationships by emphasizing patterns of change, multiple representations of functions and equations, modeling real-world scenarios with functions, and methods for finding and representing solutions of equations and inequalities. These ideas provide a powerful set of conceptual tools that students can use to make sense of their world through mathematics.   Students will use the following mathematics areas of focus to build their mathematical practices:

  • Application and Modeling
  • Engagement in Mathematical Argument
  • Connection of Multiple Representations

College Board Classroom link

Algebra 1

This course awards high school credit upon successful completion. This course follows the Algebra 1 Jeffco Bridge to Curriculum. Mathematical reasoning, modeling, problem-solving and communication are developed throughout the following units of study: Reasoning with Equations/Inequalities, Modeling with Linear Functions, Introduction to Exponential Functions, Quadratic Functions and Polynomial Operations, Descriptive Statistics, Analyzing Functions, Algebraic Reasoning with Geometric Concepts.

Math Seminar

This course is used in conjunction with a core math course to provide additional math support.  This course can include a mixture of sixth, seventh and eighth grade students.

Mathematics in Jeffco

Jeffco mathematics teaching and learning embraces a problem-based approach, grounded in the belief that every student possesses the potential to master grade-level mathematics. In our program, students learn math by doing math. 

Jeffco mathematics classrooms are joyful communities of learners engaged in rigorous, collaborative mathematical experiences facilitated by educators who support each and every student to develop conceptual understanding, procedural fluency and adaptive reasoning skills that transfer to their daily lives and future careers.